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‘From her NOT husband’: Nancy Mace kicked off a prayer breakfast by talking about skipping morning sex—and her base is furious

Nancy Mace speaking into microphone in front of purple background

Conservatives are expressing outrage across social media after Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) mentioned pre-marital sex with her fiancé at a public speaking event on Wednesday.

While speaking at Sen. Tim Scott's (R-S.C.) 13th Annual South Carolina Prayer Breakfast, the representative gave attendees more than they could chew while discussing her morning.

"When I woke up this morning at 7, I was getting picked up at 7:45, Patrick, my fiancé, tried to pull me by my waist over this morning in bed," she said. "And I was like, 'no baby, we don't got time for that this morning.'"


Mace went on to say that her statement may have been "TMI," or too much information, before noting that she intended to sleep with her husband later that day.

"He can wait," she said. "I'll see him later tonight."

While Mace's remarks earned laughter from the crowd, conservative influencers online viewed the representative’s commentary as nearing blasphemy.

"Why is (unmarried) Rep. Nancy Mace talking about her sex life at a prayer breakfast?" one Twitter user asked. "So. Many. Things. Wrong. With. This."


The video was further amplified by such right-wing figures as Ian Miles Cheong, conspiracy theorist Jack Posobiec, and Glenn Beck's media outlet the Blaze.

One user referred to GOP Prayer Breakfasts as nothing more than "abominations" used to lead conservatives astray.


At least a handful of conservatives appeared to poke fun at the issue by applauding Mace for choosing a prayer breakfast for Sen. Scott over sex.

"Honestly props to Nancy Mace," conservative Greg Price added. "Can't imagine the self discipline it took to choose Tim Scott over sex."


Many also appeared not so concerned about the premarital sex but at the venue in which Mace decided to discuss it.

"She's going to criticize people for making a big 'woop' out of it... but its weird... it wasn't appropriate, we didn't need to hear it," another user wrote.

Scott, a 2024 presidential candidate, followed up Mace's speech by highlighting America's free speech protections for topics such as religion.

"This is an opportunity for us to truly celebrate faith and celebrate South Carolina, and not celebrate red or blue, black or white, but just a risen Savior and the joy of living in a country where that’s possible," he said.

It remains unclear whether Mace and her husband ultimately engaged in pre-marital sex on Wednesday evening as promised.

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The post ‘From her NOT husband’: Nancy Mace kicked off a prayer breakfast by talking about skipping morning sex—and her base is furious appeared first on The Daily Dot.

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